Night Lounge


On November 22, at the Salon des Maires et des Collectivités Locales, we had the pleasure of welcoming Roger NARBONI and Gaia Lemmens to our stand to formalize their collaboration with Groupe Ragni by signing the NIGHT LOUNGE, in the company of Stéphane RAGNI, Associate General Manager and Sales Director of Ragni.

Stéphane RAGNI explains : ” We wanted to breathe new life into outdoor spaces and introduce new functionalities through an adaptable, customizable product. We went through a period of confinement during which all we could think about was getting home. We wanted to recreate a nocturnal soul, to give people back the desire to find each other; to breathe new life into nocturnal exchanges. We’ve created lighting ambiances around a smart, connected and modular support. “.

This brand new interactive and connected lighting system, designed by Roger NARBONI, was presented to our numerous visitors: “I visited cities that practiced extinction and realized that the psychological impact of this practice was strong. Everyone goes home after dark, and people don’t go out anymore, mainly because of a lack of visibility and a feeling of discomfort. We had to think up new, welcoming meeting places. NIGHT LOUNGE have been designed with this in mind. Like an indoor salon, the idea was to reproduce the conditions of a home in the great outdoors.”

Visitors discovered thisthree-dimensional luminous space that bring well-being and safety to city dwellers. Thanks to its almost infinite modularity, aesthetic design and user-controlled lighting moods, NIGHT LOUNGE adapt to any type of environment and provide dedicated atmospheres. This evolving structure is a unique medium in tune with the times.

On the subject of sustainability, Roger NARBONI adds: ” We are totally in phase with the notions of reversibility and reuse. This is how the concept was conceived. The uses of a site can evolve, and it’s out of the question to throw things away. NIGHT LOUNGE can be redesigned and re-customized – that’s the beauty of the product!”

Stéphane RAGNI concludes: “ The association of GROUPE RAGNI around Roger NARBONI and Gaia Lemmens has enabled us to pioneer an idea that is now being put into practice industrially. This collaboration places us in a vision and environment that no other manufacturer carries today. Many thanks to them for their presence on our stand. Groupe Ragni is proud to be working with them to reinvent lighting, demonstrating that sensible lighting also means design and aesthetics.

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